Q: Where can I buy tickets?
A: You can buy tickets from Lippu.fi starting from 12th of April.

Q: Can I buy tickets at the venue?
A: Yes you can buy tickets at the venue, but if you want to make sure you can everything, you might want to pre-purchase the tickets.

Q: Do I need to pay this year to see the event
A: You can see almost all the action at the Nokia DiscGolfPark for free on Wednesday (Presidents Cup) and on Saturday and Sunday. With the ticket, you can also access holes 4-8 at the Beast on Saturday and Sunday.
Due to lack of space, Tampere Disc Golf Center is limited for ticket holders only.

Q: Where can I see the schedule and tee times?
A: The tee times are visible at the DGPT Scores after each round.

Q: Can I watch the competition on TV?
A: Yes. You can see all the action live on the Disc Golf Network.